Padding an image for convolution sounds like a pain. Cuda-convnet has a clever way of implement it, but I found it might be an over-engineering for me to do similar optimization for my CPU-based implementation. The following operf profiling result shows that even if I simply do padding by copying to a larger matrix the overhead is negligible. The last two lines are the cost of the padding node. % of time spent on update and predict are 0.0686% and 8.2e-04%.
operf output:
CPU: Intel Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, speed 3.201e+06 MHz (estimated)
Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 100000
samples % image name symbol name
1108937 18.1060 gomp_barrier_wait_end
1082524 17.6747 gomp_team_barrier_wait_end
1078260 17.6051 cifar.ptblas MNLOOP
475213 7.7589 cifar.ptblas MNLOOP
374029 6.1069 no-vmlinux /no-vmlinux
316764 5.1719 __memmove_ssse3_back
275784 4.5028 cifar.ptblas _ZN6hiperfit6neural10WindowNode6updateEi._omp_fn.17
272491 4.4490 cifar.ptblas ATL_gemoveT_aX
143035 2.3354 cifar.ptblas ATL_scol2blk_a1
110492 1.8040 cifar.ptblas _ZN6hiperfit6neural8PoolNodeINS0_4pool3maxEE7predictEi._omp_fn.3
102437 1.6725 cifar.ptblas MNLOOP
83093 1.3567 cifar.ptblas _ZN6hiperfit5ArrayIfE5applyIZNS_6neural12FunctionNodeINS3_8function4reluEE6updateEiEUlRffffE_EEvRKS1_SB_SB_RKT_._omp_fn.10
79453 1.2973 cifar.ptblas hiperfit::neural::ArrayNode::preupdate(int)
74185 1.2112 cifar.ptblas _ZN5cifar7DataSetC2ERKSsbj.constprop.352
68051 1.1111 cifar.ptblas ATL_sJIK0x0x72TN72x72x0_a1_bX
67752 1.1062 cifar.ptblas _ZN6hiperfit6neural8PoolNodeINS0_4pool3maxEE6updateEi._omp_fn.2
65919 1.0763 cifar.ptblas ATL_sJIK0x0x0TN0x0x0_a1_bX
60774 0.9923 cifar.ptblas _ZN6hiperfit5ArrayIfE5applyIZNS_6neural12FunctionNodeINS3_8function4reluEE7predictEiEUlRffE_EEvRKS1_RKT_._omp_fn.11
4201 0.0686 cifar.ptblas hiperfit::neural::PadNode::update(int)
50 8.2e-04 cifar.ptblas hiperfit::neural::PadNode::predict(int)